Monday, August 29, 2011

Meet your Peer Leaders!!

There are five of us students, and Adee, our Peer Resources Coordinator, that run the mentoring program at Lowell. We’re the ones that manage the mentoring program and plan the Tuesday reg activities. If you ever have any questions about the program, or just want to meet us, visit us during our office hours 19/20 in T-14B!

Ami Fanaika:

Hey Everyone!
My name is Amiame Fanaika, (but known as “Ami"). I am currently a senior and have been involved with peers for two years. For the past year I have enjoyed working with Peers which lead me to apply for a position as a Peer Leader. My advice for the Freshman are if you are ever in doubt about classes, homework, or about any school activities do not be afraid to ask a teacher for help, or any peer mentors. We are here to help you through your first year here at Lowell. :)

Isabella Jaye:

Hi, my name is Isabella Jaye and I'm a senior this year. I first took a Peer Resources class second semester sophomore year. At first, I didn't really know what the Peer Resources program did, but I wanted to take another non-academic class and my counselor suggested it. Now, almost two years later, I'm so glad that he did. I ended up loving the class and continuing my involvement with Peer Resources as a mentor. After being a mentor my junior year, I decided to apply to be a project leader. My wish for the freshman is that they try something they didn't do in middle school. Join a sport, take an elective (like a peers class!), or get involved with a club relating to something you're interested in. Lowell has so much to offer, both in terms of academics and activities, and you can learn so much and meet so many great people by taking advantage of all the school has to give. If I could give any piece of advice, it would be to make time for your friends and enjoy your time here. Academics are important, but you only get these fours years once, so make sure to take the time to enjoy it.

Ivan Jiang:

Hi, my name is Ivan and I'm currently a junior. I've been involved with peer resources since middle school. It was a fun and rewarding experience, so I wanted to continue to work with peer resources in high school. In my sophomore year, I applied and became a mentor. However I still wanted to challenge myself and be more involved, which is why I became a peer leader. One thing I'd like to see happen with the mentoring program this year is to start to change the culture and mind-set of Lowell students, so that we will limit our AP classes and extracurricular activities. The key is to have a balance between schoolwork and personal time. One tip i'd like to give to the freshmen is don't give up your lunch just to take a certain class. It's not worth it, you'll find your classes way more challenging because it is very hard to focus on an empty stomach.

Vivian Trinh:

Hi! My name is Vivian, and I'm a senior at Lowell this year.  I've been a peer mentor since I was a freshman, and even took the Peer Helping class junior year.  I have definitely enjoyed being apart of the Peers Program. I truly love every part of this program, and I wanted to contribute more, so I decided to become a Peer Leader.  I hope everyone has a great 2011-2012 school year!! Also, don't forget school may be important, but your health is even more important, so make sure you always get enough sleep!

Della Wong:

Hey Everyone! My name is Della & I am one of your Peer Leaders  :D This has been my second year involved in the Peer Mentoring Program. To be entirely honest, this Program had taught me a lot throughout the semesters. As a leader, you learn much about time, effort, responsibility, and leadership skills. Like I said before, if the mentors show up for one  training, the leaders probably showed up to all seven or more trainings. Talk about being exhausted right? But it's all good, since it's our job (: We are thankful for all the people interested in applying to this program, since we see the sincerity in the mentors who want to help out their mentees. In fact, some people who signed up are actually inspired by their previous mentors. For the freshmen, I would like to congratulate you all for getting accepted into Lowell! You might feel uneasy at first transitioning from Middle School to High School, but trust me, before you know it, these four years are going to fly by like sand in a hourglass. I wish you all good luck and the best four exciting years of your life! 

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